Almost 95% of tourism businesses in world are small businesses which provide a range of services to visitors, often on a 24 hours-a-day basis and always seven days a week. tourism is often a seasonal business and careful planning is required to survive.
Tourism is a people based industry because so many of its outputs are service orientated. It is for this reason that one of the keys to the success of world as a visitor destination in the future will be the provision of quality service to visitors equal to international best practice.
Factors which are likely to dictate the success or failure of a tourism business are similar to those that generally affect any small business, in particular the following special aspects relate to a service-orientated business:
• lack of capital;
• poor attention to pricing;
• lack of skills development and staff training;
• poor business management skills and development;
• lack of tourism industry understanding and experience;
• poor marketing skills;
• a product-focussed rather than a customer-focussed business orientation;
• inability to cope with or acquire changing technology and information systems;
• premature attempts to enter into international markets;
• unrealistic expectations