Are items that are keen on acquiring the tourist ticket for the trip to tourist destinations, which are often associated with traditional commodities environment tourist destination and increase in value if these goods manufactured manually and has
It includes in its entirety the following commodities: -
1. Copper products such as copper platen busy and non-busy either grafted with metal or other non-grafted, utensils and Alvazet Alhimdnat copper and other brass other.
2. Leatherware such Alibov, belts, wallets and bags leather and footwear for different kinds of nature Pharaonic dishes and wood and mother of pearl inlaid woodwork or grafted.
3. Woodworks like oriels with different sizes and shapes, chairs nature Pharaonic dishes and wood and mother of pearl inlaid woodwork or grafted.
4. Gold jewelery such as gold and silver cartouche nature Pharaonic and gold jewelry inlaid with precious stones or non-grafted replicas of ancient Egyptian forms or silver jewelry, bracelets, jewelry nature Pharaonic, Islamic and Turkish and other gold and silver.
5. Jewelery and ornaments such as jewelery and ornaments made of metal and precious stones or precious natural or industrial.
6. Manufactures cotton T-shirt, like Aljellalab with shapes and colors or Pharaonic Egyptian and Oriental or different clothing bearing the character of Pharaonic or Muslim or Turkish or Egyptian and other embroidered whether or not embroidered.
7. Handicrafts such as those made from wool or silk, carpets, whether made of wool or pure silk or mixture of various kinds and Alokelmh and paintings made from various fabrics Kalpoplan or Alsma or other needlework and whether Albroodria or other.
8. Glass jewelry made from colored glass or Atelmahq perfume bottles and colorful shapes made of glass statues, antiques and Alvazet and others.
9. tourist brochures and kart Bostal significance for Egyptian antiquities, beaches and sights in general.
10. Memorial manufactures and artifacts such as statues made of wood, ivory, alabaster and other provided they are not older than a hundred years.
11. Tools such as fishing and diving Alsnarat, stocks, and other bow.
12. Different kinds of perfumes, especially oriental original manufacturer of musk or other different flowers.
13. Industry papyri.
We must emphasize that art crafts and traditional industries of creative activities innate in most humans are linked to their communities and their history, and Egyptian history richly diverse from the date of Pharaonic and Roman and Coptic, Islamic and Arabic and Turkish and modern and is also associated with heritage Egyptian each province separately, there art associated with the Sinai and another linked in Upper Egypt Unlike associated SIWA and North Coast in Alexandria and Matrouh.
And will be mentioned brief on each of these commodities commodity fourteen: -
Handmade carpets: -
It is divided into Handmade silk factory and Alokelmh including woolen or cotton and handmade carpets Hariri
Includes several sizes as well as the associated value of the number of nodes per square centimeter, as well as graphics that achieve the desired shape mismatch Isfahani and steam ...
They are of value and with high prices and the famous pyramid Hurrian and this kind of handmade carpets Hariri.
§ Alokelmh Sufism: -
Often linked to the environment, whether Bedouin or a hand-made coastal Bmghazl and hand looms contribute to women and children in their manufacture.
The area is famous Siwa and El Arish and Matrouh Balokelmh Sufism.
§ Alokelmh cotton: -
It is often produced manually from the remains of fabrics are woven in forms inspired by the Egyptian countryside where often Mizar in the form of whole or country house, trees and animals used by the farmer which the Sizes multiple uses peasants in the rooms and floor and accept tourists on acquiring a relevant discounted rates and reasonable.
Silverware: -
They are divided into two types in the base silver artifacts light and include jewelry, bracelets, pendants, medals and cartridges.
And silver, a heavy trays and dishes include, incense burners, Candlestick and pitchers and some models such as shisha and the ability of beans ...... Etc