Here is everything you need to find out more about Egypt

Here everything need find more

Here everything need find more

i am proud of my self just because i am Egyptian... i am so lucky because i am guide to explain such great
old civilization , history of 7000 years.... but now i am luckier because i will explain the new history of the youth revolution. come back to us speedily tourists i am full of enthusiasm. will come to see the new Egypt?? we are all waitin for you Here in the land of dignity>>>Egypt ... i love Egypt.

Here is everything you need to find out more about Egypt.
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Cairo Symphony Orchestra

اذا لم تزورها من قبل فهناك أعظم دولة رسمت تاريخا يدرس للعالم

واذا كنت زرتها من قبل فقد تغيرت ملامح الحضارة المصرية كتب شبابها بدمائهم تاريخا اخر ل مصر جديدة

If you visit there by the greatest country painted history taught to the world and if you've visited before has changed the features of Egyptian civilization, young blood wrote another date for a new Egypt
Please Spread This Message:

Dear World, If you want to help Egyptians please come to Sharm ElSheikh or Hurghada and enjoy few days there. Its 100% Safe. all over egypt is safe ( Luxor , Aswan even Cairo now a days). come to see modern egypt

Thanks and best regards

Egypt people