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يسعد ملتقي السياحين العرب العرب اقوي عروض نشر المواقع بمحركات البحث وتسحين التريب للظهور في الصفحات الاولي بجوجل فمحركات البحث مثل جوجل وغيرها تعتمد بالاساس علي عدد الباكلينكس وعدد ومن اي المواقع يأتي اليك ومن هنا ياتي دورنا وهو نشر موقعك في مواقع مناسبة لتخصصك

العرض الاول
اضافة 1 نص في 2000 صفحة
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السعر : 600 ريال او 160 دولار

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إضافة عدد 2 نصوص إلى 4000 صفحة
الاضافة الي 100 مفضلة اجتماعية
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الاضافة الي 100 مدونة
الاضافة الي 100 من مواقع الويكي
الاضافة الي 1000 دليل
السعر : 900 ريال او 240 دولار

مميزات الخدمة
1 - باكلينكس قوي جدا
2 - كثرة المواقع التي تشير الي موقعك وجعل ارشفة موقعك قوية وفورية بمحركات البحث
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ملاحظات وشروط طلب الخدمة
1 - تتم الاضافة بشكل يدوي وغير مخالفة لسياسة محركات البحث
2 - بعد الانتهاء من العمل يتم انشاء ملف تيكست به جميع الروابط التي تم النشر بها
3 - تدفع قيمة الخدمة مقدما وفي حالة عدم الالتزام يتم اعادة المبلغ فورا للعميل
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

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ملاحظات وشروط طلب الخدمة
1 - الصفحات المباعة لاترد ولا تستبدل لذا اختار الصفحة المطلوبة وافحصها جيدا قبل الشراء
2 - جميع الصفحات بهم معجبين حقيقين بنسبة 100%
3 - يتم دفع قيمة الصفحة كاملة قبل التسليم ويتم تسليم الصفحة مباشرة او في 24 ساعة علي الاكثر
4 - علي استعداد تام لكتابة عقد بيع في اي موقع يختارة العميل
5 - بعد تحويل قيمة الصفحة يتم تسليم العميل الصفحة وجعلة ادمن بها وحذف جميع الادامن الموجودين
6 - ضمان كامل في حالة عدم تسليم الصفحة للعميل لاي سبب من الاسباب من طرفنا يتم رد المبلغ مباشرة بدون اي تاخير مع تقديم اعتذار بذلك
7 - جميع الصفحات المباعة عن طريقنا نشطة وليس بها اي مشاكل او تبليغات
8 - الاسعار نهائية غير قابلة للتفاوض لانها الاقل سعر والاعلي جودة وبالضمان
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

يقدم ملتقي السياحين العرب اقوي واضمن طرق التسويق بالنشرات البريدية والايميلات حيث تصل عروضك او خدماتك او موقعك الي العملاء المستقبلين مباشرة بدون وسيط

العرض الاول
عدد النشرات : 8 نشرات في الشهر - بمعدل 2 نشرة اسبوعيا
السعر 240 جنيه مصري - 150 ريال - 40 دولار

العرض الثاني
عدد النشرات : 16 نشرة في الشهر - بمعدل 4 نشرات اسبوعيا
السعر 480 جنيه مصري - 300 ريال سعودي - 80 دولار

مميزات النشرات البريدية للتسويق والاشهار
1 - الوصول مباشرة الي العملاء المستقبلين وقراتها مباشرة
2 - الحصول علي زوار فعلين حقيقين مما يساعد في نشاط موقعك
3 - اشهار موقعك او شركتك او منتجاتك وعروضك للوصول الي شريحة جديدة من العملاء وكسب عملاء جدد

ملاحظات هامة - شروط طلب خدمة النشرات
1 - يتم ارسال النشرات البريدية الي مليون عضو بالمجموعات والجروبات وتصل الي الايميل مباشرة
2 - يتم دفع المبلغ كاملا قبل البدأ بالعمل وعند حدوث اي تقصير ضمان باعادة المبلغ
3 - يتم ارسال نسخة من النشرة الي ايميل العميل عند رغبتة بذلك

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1 - يتم دفع المبلغ كاملا قبل البدا باي عمل
2 - يتم تحديد وقت الانتهاء حسب الكمية المطلوبة
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4 - الاسعار نهائية غير قابلة للتفاوض لانها الاقل والاضمن في العالم واسعار خاصة جدا عند طلب الكميات

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للحجز والاستعلام افتح موضوع جديد بطلبك علي هذا الرابط

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

يقدم ملتقي السياحين العرب فرصة لاصحاب المواقع والمنتديات والشركات بوضع بنرات مواقعهم او خدماتهم او منتجاتهم في اماكن مميزة جدا يراها الاف الزوار والمهتمين يوميا

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شروط وملاحظات طلب الخدمة - تقرا جيدا قبل اي تعاقد

1 - علي استعداد تام لكتابة اي عقد باي مكان لضمان حقوق الطرفين ثقة بالله

2 - لايجوز باي شكل من الاشكال تغير رابط الصفحة او اسمها بدون اخبارنا بذلك قبلها بفترة كافية لان ذلك يؤثر بشكل سلبي علي عملنا بشكل عام ولذلك يتم فسخ وانهاء التعاقد والتوقف تماما عن العمل

3 - يتم دفع المبلغ بالكامل قبل البدا باي عمل وفي حالة عدم التزمنا لاي اسباب فنية يتم ارجاع المبلغ لصاحبة مباشرة

4 - نضمن لك بشكل كامل مشتركين حقيقين عرب بنسبة 70% لاستخدامنا اضمن الطرق الحقيقية حفاظا علي سمعتنا وعلي صفحات عملاؤنا من التعرض لاي مشاكل

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“pricing” تسعير الخدمات والعروض السياحية علي الانترنت عملية يقصد بها تحديد سعر يدفعه العميل مقابل الحصول على الخدمة التي تقدمها،

وهي عملية غاية في الأهمية حيث أن سعر الخدمة أحد أهم العوامل المؤدية الى اتخاذ قرار الشراء من قبل العميل وبالتالي فالتسعير الجيد “good pricing” أحد أهم العمليات التي يمكن أن تغير مسار مبيعاتك وأرباحك إما بالارتفاع أو بالانخفاض. حيث أنه بتحديد سعر مناسب لخدماتك ستكون قادرا على تعزيز نسبة مبيعاتك والوصول الى عملاء كثيرين، والعكس صحيح!.

فالسعر المناسب أحد أهم دوافع الشراء – ولكن من قبل أن تبدأ في تسعير منتجاتك وخدماتك أنت بحاجة أولا الى فهم ومعرفة وجهة نظر العملاء في تلك الخدمات،

وكذلك حجم القيمة والفائدة التي يتوقعها هؤلاء المستهلكين نظير شراء خدماتك

خاصة وأنني عادة ما أجد أن معظم رجال الأعمال وأصحاب الشركات والمتاجر دائما ما يقومون بتسعير منتجاتهم وبضائعهم بناء على التكلفة الخاصة بإنتاج هذه المنتجات، وليس بناء على مقدار القدرة الشرائية للعملاء والمستهلكين (القدرة الشرائية هي مقدار ما يستطيع دفعه المستهلك من مال مقابل السلعة أو الخدمة!).

بل والأسوأ من ذلك أن أجد بعض أصحاب الشركات ووكالات السياحة والسفر يقومون بإتباع نظرية خاطئة وشهيرة في التسعير، وهي نظرية الـ 20%. فكلما كانت منتجاتهم مغمورة وليست ذات صيت ذائع: يقومون بخفض السعر بنسبة 20% عن أسعار منافسيهم،

وكلما كان هناك طلبا على منتجاتهم زاد السعر بنسبة 20% عن نفس المنافسين. وهي نظرية خاطئة قطعا!. خاصة وأنه في كلتا الحالتين أنا أضمن لك أن هذه الشركة ستفشل في وضع نظرية تسعيرية صحيحة، بل وأنها ستكون في عتاد الشركات الخاسرة، علاوة على أنها ستكون أكثر عرضة لخسارة جزء كبير من عملائها المحتملين. وذلك بسبب أن القائمين على الشركة لم يهتموا بدراسة القدرة الشرائية لهؤلاء العملاء المحتملين ومن ثم فلن يقدموا على الشراء.

وهنا يأتي دور التسعير الذكي أو “smart pricing” ويقصد بالتسعير الذكي هنا: العمليات الخاصة بدراسة أسعار وقدرات المنافسين في السوق،

وكذا دراسة منتجاتهم ونقاط القوة والضعف فيها، بالإضافة الى قياس وتحديد العوامل التي يمكن أن تؤدي الى تحسين جودة منتجاتك لتكون قادرة على منافسة خدمات وعروض منافسيك والتغلب عليها. وتحديد ما إذا كانت أسعارك تتوافق مع جودة منتجاتك وخدماتك أم لا.

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معادلة غاية في البساطة إلا أن الشيطان يكمن في التفاصيل! ولهذا حاول استيعاب قواعد التسعير الخدمات والعروض السياحية علي الانترنت الأربع التالية بدقة، ووضعها في اعتبارك وقت قيامك بتسعير منتجاتك وخدماتك pricing Products.

القواعد الاربعة لعملية سعير الخدمات والعروض السياحية علي الانترنت

استمع الى عملاؤك : قم بسؤال بعض العملاء عن مدى رضائهم عن خدماتك وعروضك، وعن جودتها والقيمة العائدة منها في مقابل سعرها، وأيضا عن مميزاتها في مقابل عروض وخدمات المنافسين. قم بسؤالهم مثل هذه الأسئلة خاصة أثناء قيامهم بشراء تلك الخدمات. علما بأنه يمكن أن يكون السؤال في شكل ورقة استطلاع للرأي أو في شكل استفتاء على موقع شركتك الإليكتروني، أو حتى من خلال سؤال العملاء مباشرة. ومن ثم قم بتجميع الإجابات ووضعها نصب عينيك أثناء قيامك بتسعير منتجاتك لكي تتمكن من تحقيق مبيعات جيدة.

تعرف على منافسيك الحقيقيين: قم بسؤال عملاؤك هذا السؤال المزعج (لو لم تقم بالتعامل معي وباستخدام عروضي وخدماتي ، فلأي من الشركات الأخرى الموجودة بالسوق كنت ستتوجه وتتعامل معهم ؟). كون إجابات واستعد لسماع المفاجآت، وبعدها ستتعرف على منافسيك الحقيقيين في السوق، والأسباب التي أدت الى كونهم في منافسة معك.

3، ;كن نزيها وعادلا في تقييم نفسك: حقا إنه لأمر صعب أن تكون غاية في الصدق، خاصة عندما يتعلق الأمر بتقييم نفسك وعروضك وخدماتك فعادة ما أجد غالبية المديرين التنفيذين وأصحاب الشركات يكتفون بسرد الجوانب الإيجابية ونقاط القوة فقط في منتجاتهم، ويتجاهلون الجوانب السلبية ونقاط الضعف. وهو أمر غاية في الخطورة خاصة في ظل المنافسة الشرسة في سوق السياحة. ولذلك حاول دائما إدراك مميزاتك وعيوبك على حد سواء، وكذا منافسيك.

ادارك أن العملاء مختلفين ومتباينين: هناك كثير من الناس يحبون “الرحلات السياحية والسفر” وهناك كثيرون أيضا لا يطيقون السفر ولا الرحلات! (فلولا اختلاف الأذواق لبارت السلع!)، وبالتالي ينبغي عليك تحديد واستهداف شريحة العملاء الصحيحة، وتقديم خدمات وعروض تتناسب مع ذوق وميول تلك الشريحة المستهدفة من حيث السعر “Price” والجودة “Quality” لتتمكن من جني الأرباح وتحقيق المبيعات.
Best Four rules for pricing Products

خدمات الحج والعمرة مصر ,

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خدمات المواطنين
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الموقع الرسمي خدمات الحج والعمرة بالتعاون مع غرفة شركات السياحة

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الإدارة العامة للسياحة الدينية
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Abu Simbel - Ramses II and Nefertari

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is an archaeological site comprising two massive rock temples in Nubia, southern Egypt on the
western bank of Lake Nasser about 290 km southwest of Aswan

The twin temples were originally carved out of the mountainside during the reign of Pharaoh Ramesses II in the 13th century BC, as a lasting monument to himself and his queen Nefertari, to commemorate his alleged victory at the Battle of Kadesh, and to intimidate his Nubian neighbors. However, the complex was relocated in its entirety in the 1960s, on an artificial hill made from a domed structure, high above the Aswan High Dam reservoir.

The relocation of the temples was necessary to avoid their being submerged during the creation of Lake Nasser, the massive artificial water reservoir formed after the building of the Aswan High Dam on the Nile River. Abu simbel remains one of Egypt's top tourist attractions

الموضوع الأصلي: Abu Simbel - Ramses II and Nefertari || الكاتب: admin || المصدر: ملتقي السياحين العرب

Lute (Oud ) Origin

Lute (Oud Origin

Lute (oud ) Origin

The Egyptian lute predates the Greek lute and is basically the same except more slender. No examples of the lute in Greek art are found before the fourth century B.C.

"Mesopotamia is the source of the earliest evidence of lutes in the world: representations on two seals dating back to the Akkadian period (2350 to 2170 B.C.).

The Akkadian period lutes may have originated with West Semitic nomads from Syria. Lutes appeared in Egypt for the first time at the end of the Middle Kingdom Hyksos dynasties (XV to XVII dynasty, 1730 to 1580 B.C.) or the beginning of the succeeding New Kingdom XVIII dynasty (1580 to 1320 B.C.).

This first appearance of the lute in Egypt came approximately one thousand years after the first musical instruments — clap sticks, sistrums, flutes, double clarinets, and harps — were depicted in Old Kingdom Egypt. The eighteenth century B.C. Hyksos invaders, from the Near East, are generally believed to be responsible for the appearance of the lute in Egypt".

الموضوع الأصلي: Lute (Oud ) Origin || الكاتب: admin || المصدر: ملتقي السياحين العرب

inside the great pyramid of khufu

قطاع بالهرم الأكبر خوفو يوضح حقيقة ثلاثين قدما تهاوت مع إختلاف العصور وهو ما كان يمثل كسوة تصل به الي إرتفاعه الأصلي ربعمائة وثمانون قدما

inside great pyramid khufu

الموضوع الأصلي: inside the great pyramid of khufu || الكاتب: admin || المصدر: ملتقي السياحين العرب

|| تويتر ميديم - twitter medium ||

اطلقت تويتر خدمة جديدة تختص في النشر والتدوين اسمعا ((ميديم)) وتسمحالخدمة الجديدة باضافة نصوص او صور او الاثنين معا

ويتم اضافة التدوينات او المواضيع في مجموعات يتم اضافتها من العديد من المستخدمين بنفس الوقت

كما يتوفر نظام تقييم للتدوينات كزر اخضر يظهر في نهاية التدوينة

ترتب التدوينات في المجموعة حسب التدوينة التي اخذت اعلي تقييم

ويمكن لمستخدمين تويتر الدخول علي الخدمة الجديدة باستخدام نفس اسم المستخدم وكلمة السر بتويتر الا انها مازالت غير متاحة لكن يمكن التسجيل فيها وقراءة المحتوي المنشور فقط

Studies tourism e-marketing - Studies tourism-e

دراسات التسويق السياحي دراسات السياحة الإلكترونية - Studies tourism e-marketing ,Studies tourism-e | قسم متخصص | يهتم بعلوم ودراسات التسويق السياحي والسياحة الالكترونية وتسويق الخدمات السياحية عبر التجارة الالكترونية كنوع خديث من انواع التسويق السياحي لتحقيق اعلي درجة من المبيعات عبر الانترنت ,دراسات التسويق السياحي ,دراسات السياحة الالكترونية ,Tourism marketing studies - studies e- tourism ,travel mrketing ,e-tourism survey tourism ,TOURISM - e

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 Studies tourism e-marketing ,Studies tourism-e click here

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

شركة جولدن تورز : تعمل في مجال السياحة والسفر وخدمات الطيران منذ عام 1974
( عضو جمعية وكلاء السياحة المصرية / عضو المجتمع الامريكي لوكلاء السفر / عضو الاتحاد الدولي للنقل الجوي / عضو المنظمة العالمية للسياحة )

وكلاء معتمدون

مفاجأة شركة جولدن تورز للسياحة
لعملائها الاوفياء قريبا جدا افتتاح مركز تدريب نظم الحجز الالية ((وكيل معتمد)) اماديوس - جاليليو ... الخ بفرع الشركة بمصر الجديدة - القاهرة

تابعونا بشكل دائم للمفاجاة الكبري ستهز عرش التدريب السياحي من خبراء السياحة بمصر والوطن العربي

من داخل مصر 01005142019
من خارج مصر 00201005142019

3dec 2012 planetary alignment with giza pyramids in egypt it only happens once in 2737 years

3dec 2012 planetary alignment with

come to egypt .. open invitation to all

Planetary alignment that will take place Dec 3, 2012 is dead-on alignment with the pyramids at Giza. Night Sky in Giza, egypt on December 3, 2012, local time … one hour before sunrise compared with the pyramids at Giza.

Planets inline: Mercury / Venus / Saturn

now booking trip to Pyramids
contact us 00201005142019

Tourist Goods

Tourist Goods

Are items that are keen on acquiring the tourist ticket for the trip to tourist destinations, which are often associated with traditional commodities environment tourist destination and increase in value if these goods manufactured manually and has
It includes in its entirety the following commodities: -

1. Copper products such as copper platen busy and non-busy either grafted with metal or other non-grafted, utensils and Alvazet Alhimdnat copper and other brass other.

2. Leatherware such Alibov, belts, wallets and bags leather and footwear for different kinds of nature Pharaonic dishes and wood and mother of pearl inlaid woodwork or grafted.

3. Woodworks like oriels with different sizes and shapes, chairs nature Pharaonic dishes and wood and mother of pearl inlaid woodwork or grafted.

4. Gold jewelery such as gold and silver cartouche nature Pharaonic and gold jewelry inlaid with precious stones or non-grafted replicas of ancient Egyptian forms or silver jewelry, bracelets, jewelry nature Pharaonic, Islamic and Turkish and other gold and silver.

5. Jewelery and ornaments such as jewelery and ornaments made of metal and precious stones or precious natural or industrial.

6. Manufactures cotton T-shirt, like Aljellalab with shapes and colors or Pharaonic Egyptian and Oriental or different clothing bearing the character of Pharaonic or Muslim or Turkish or Egyptian and other embroidered whether or not embroidered.

7. Handicrafts such as those made from wool or silk, carpets, whether made of wool or pure silk or mixture of various kinds and Alokelmh and paintings made from various fabrics Kalpoplan or Alsma or other needlework and whether Albroodria or other.

8. Glass jewelry made from colored glass or Atelmahq perfume bottles and colorful shapes made of glass statues, antiques and Alvazet and others.

9. tourist brochures and kart Bostal significance for Egyptian antiquities, beaches and sights in general.

10. Memorial manufactures and artifacts such as statues made of wood, ivory, alabaster and other provided they are not older than a hundred years.

11. Tools such as fishing and diving Alsnarat, stocks, and other bow.

12. Different kinds of perfumes, especially oriental original manufacturer of musk or other different flowers.

13. Industry papyri.

We must emphasize that art crafts and traditional industries of creative activities innate in most humans are linked to their communities and their history, and Egyptian history richly diverse from the date of Pharaonic and Roman and Coptic, Islamic and Arabic and Turkish and modern and is also associated with heritage Egyptian each province separately, there art associated with the Sinai and another linked in Upper Egypt Unlike associated SIWA and North Coast in Alexandria and Matrouh.

And will be mentioned brief on each of these commodities commodity fourteen: -

Handmade carpets: -

It is divided into Handmade silk factory and Alokelmh including woolen or cotton and handmade carpets Hariri

Includes several sizes as well as the associated value of the number of nodes per square centimeter, as well as graphics that achieve the desired shape mismatch Isfahani and steam ...

They are of value and with high prices and the famous pyramid Hurrian and this kind of handmade carpets Hariri.

§ Alokelmh Sufism: -

Often linked to the environment, whether Bedouin or a hand-made coastal Bmghazl and hand looms contribute to women and children in their manufacture.

The area is famous Siwa and El Arish and Matrouh Balokelmh Sufism.

§ Alokelmh cotton: -

It is often produced manually from the remains of fabrics are woven in forms inspired by the Egyptian countryside where often Mizar in the form of whole or country house, trees and animals used by the farmer which the Sizes multiple uses peasants in the rooms and floor and accept tourists on acquiring a relevant discounted rates and reasonable.

Silverware: -

They are divided into two types in the base silver artifacts light and include jewelry, bracelets, pendants, medals and cartridges.

And silver, a heavy trays and dishes include, incense burners, Candlestick and pitchers and some models such as shisha and the ability of beans ...... Etc

الموضوع الأصلي: Tourist Goods || الكاتب: admin || المصدر: ملتقي السياحين العرب

IATA story

The international Air transport association (IATA) is an international industry trade group of airlines headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, where the international Civil Aviation Organization is also headquartered. The executive offices are at the Geneva Airport in Switzerland.

IATA's mission is to represent, lead, and serve the airline industry. iata represents some 240 airlines comprising 84% of scheduled international air traffic.[1] The Director General and Chief Executive Officer is Tony Tyler. Currently, iata is present in over 150 countries covered through 101 offices around the globe.

IATA was formed on 19 April 1945, in Havana, Cuba. It is the successor to the international Air Traffic Association, founded in The Hague in 1919, the year of the world's first international scheduled services. At its founding, iata had 57 members from 31 nations, mostly in Europe and North America. Today it has about 243 members (as of April 2012) from more than 126 nations in every part of the world.

IATA’s stated mission is to represent, lead and serve the airline industry. All the Airline rules and regulations are defined by IATA. The main aim of iata is to provide safe and secure transportation to its passengers.

Price setting

One of its core functions was to act as a price setting body for international airfare. In an arrangement going back to 1944, international fare prices have been set through bilateral governmental agreements rather than through market mechanisms. Airlines had been granted a special exemption by each of the main regulatory authorities in the world to consult prices with each other through this body.

Originally both domestic and international aviation were highly regulated by IATA. Since 1978 in US and later in Europe, domestic deregulation highlighted the benefits of open markets to consumers in terms of lower fares and companies in terms of more efficient networks. This led to the formation of bilateral "open skies" agreements that weakened IATA's price fixing role. Negotiations are underway since 2003 to create a completely deregulated aviation market covering European and US airspace.

In recent years the organisation has been accused of acting as a cartel, and many low cost carriers are not full iata members. The European Union's competition authorities are currently investigating the IATA. In 2005, Neelie Kroes, the European Commissioner for Competition, made a proposal to lift the exception to consult prices. In July 2006, the United States Department of Transportation also proposed to withdraw antitrust immunity.[3] iata teamed with SITA for an electronic ticketing solution.

The effect of the antitrust investigations has been that 'IATA fares' have been withdrawn -

Within EU at the end of 2006
Between EU-USA and between EU-Australia at the end of June 2007
Between EU and the rest of the world ended the end of October 2007
Australian competition authority ACCC ended immunity in June 2008 for markets to/from Australia

IATA has responded to the demise of the iata fares by introducing a new fareclass - Flexfares [4]. However, these new fares are not replacement of the earlier full iata fare, and a number of airlines (including Lufthansa [5]) are not participating in this.

For fare calculations iata has divided the world in three regions:

South, Central and North America.
Europe, Middle East and Africa. iata Europe includes the geographical Europe and Turkey, Israel, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.
Asia, Australia, New Zealand and the islands of the Pacific Ocean.

Other activities
IATA assigns 3-letter iata Airport Codes and 2-letter iata airline designators, which are commonly used worldwide. ICAO also assigns airport and airline codes. For Rail&Fly systems, iata also assigns iata train station codes. For delay codes, iata assigns iata Delay Codes.

IATA is pivotal in the worldwide accreditation of travel agents. In the U.S., agents who wish to sell airline tickets must also achieve accreditation with the Airlines Reporting Corporation. Over 80% of airlines' sales come from iata accredited agents. The iata / IATAN ID Card is a globally recognized industry credential for travel professionals.

IATA administrates worldwide the Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP) and Cargo Accounts Settlement Systems (CASS) that serve as a facilitator of the sales, reporting and remittance of accredited travel and cargo agencies. Both settlement programmes are ruled by standards and resolutions.

IATA regulates the shipping of dangerous goods and publishes the iata Dangerous Goods Regulations manual (DGR)[5] yearly, a globally accepted (de facto) field source reference for airlines' shipping of hazardous materials.

IATA coordinates the Scheduling process which governs the allocation and exchange of slots at congested airports worldwide, applying fair, transparent and non-discriminatory principles. In consultation with the airline and airport coordinator communities, iata manages and publishes the industry standards in the Worldwide Scheduling Guidelines (WSG) intended to provide guidance on managing the allocation of slots at airports.

IATA maintains the Timatic database containing cross border passenger documentation requirements. It is used by airlines to determine whether a passenger can be carried, as well as by airlines and travel agents to provide this information to travelers at the time of booking.

IATA publishes standards for use in the airline industry. The Bar Coded Boarding Pass (BCBP) standard defines the 2-dimensional (2D) bar code printed on paper boarding passes or sent to mobiles phones as electronic boarding passes. The Electronic Miscellaneous Document (EMD) defines a standard document to account airlines sales and track usage of charges.

IATA publishes the iata Rates of Exchange (IROE) four times per year, used with the Neutral Unit of Construction (NUC) fare currency-neutral construction system that superseded the older Fare Construction Unit (FCU) system in 1989.

In 2004, iata launched Simplifying the Business - a set of five initiatives which it says will save the industry US$6.5 billion every year. These projects are BCBP, iata e-freight, CUSS (common use self-service), Baggage Improvement Programme (BIP) and the Fast Travel Programme.

In 2003, the iata Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) was launched with the aim to serve as a standard and worldwide recognized certification of airlines' operational management. The IOSA certification has now become a mandatory requisite for all iata member airlines.

IATA is a member of the Air transport Action Group (ATAG)

In 2011, the election of James Hogan, the serving CEO of Etihad, to IATA's board was criticized by CEOs of regional carriers Qatar Airways and Emirates. The election was considered indicative of IATA's prevailing image as “an entity run by the very few"[8] without due consultation from participants

الموضوع الأصلي: International Air Transport Association ,IATA || الكاتب: tourism || المصدر: ملتقي السياحين العرب

travel agencies story

A travel agency is a private retailer or public service that provides tourism related services to the public on behalf of suppliers such as airlines, car rentals, cruise lines, hotels, railways, and package tours .

In addition to dealing with ordinary tourists most travel agencies have a separate department devoted to making travel arrangements for business travelers and some travel agencies specialize in commercial and business travel only. There are also travel agencies that serve as general sales agents for foreign travel companies, allowing them to have offices in countries other than where their headquarters are located.

The British company Cox & Kings is sometimes said to be the oldest travel agency in the world, but this rests upon the services that the original bank, established in 1758, supplied to its wealthy clients. The modern travel agency first appeared in the second half of the 19th century. Thomas Cook, in addition to developing the package tour, established a chain of agencies in the last quarter of the 19th century, in association with the Midland Railway. They not only sold their own tours to the public, but in addition, represented other tour companies. Other British pioneer travel agencies were Dean & Dawson,[1] the Polytechnic Touring Association and the Co-operative Wholesale Society. The oldest travel agency in North America is Brownell Travel; on July 4, 1887, Walter T. Brownell led ten travelers on a European tour, setting sail from New York on the SS Devonia.[2]

Travel agencies became more commonplace with the development of commercial aviation, starting in the 1920s. Originally, travel agencies largely catered to middle and upper class customers, but the post-war boom in mass-market package holidays resulted in travel agencies on the main streets of most British towns, catering to a working-class clientele, looking for a convenient way to book overseas beach holidays.

A travel agency's main function is to act as an agent, selling travel products and services on behalf of a supplier. Consequently, unlike other retail businesses, they do not keep a stock in hand. A package holiday or a ticket is not purchased from a supplier unless a customer requests that purchase. The holiday or ticket is supplied to them at a discount. The profit is therefore the difference between the advertised price which the customer pays and the discounted price at which it is supplied to the agent. This is known as the commission. In many countries, all individuals or companies that sell tickets are required to be licensed as a travel agent. In some countries, airlines have stopped giving commission to travel agencies.

Therefore, travel agencies are now forced to charge a percentage premium or a standard flat fee, per sale. However, some companies still give them a set percentage for selling their product. Major tour companies can afford to do this, because if they were to sell a thousand trips at a cheaper rate, they still come out better than if they sell a hundred trips at a higher rate. This process benefits both parties.

Other commercial operations are undertaken, especially by the larger chains. These can include the sale of in-house insurance, travel guide books and timetables, car rentals, and the services of an on-site Bureau de change, dealing in the most popular holiday currencies.

The majority of travel agents have felt the need to protect themselves and their clients against the possibilities of commercial failure, either their own or a supplier's. They will advertise the fact that they are surety bonded, meaning in the case of a failure, the customers are guaranteed either an equivalent holiday to that which they have lost or if they prefer, a refund.

Many British and American agencies and tour operators are bonded with the International Air Transport Association (IATA),[3] for those who issue air tickets, Air travel Organisers' Licensing (ATOL) for those who order tickets in, the Association of British travel Agents (ABTA) or the American Society of travel Agents (ASTA), for those who sell package holidays on behalf of a tour company.

A travel agent is supposed to offer impartial travel advice to the customer. However, this function almost disappeared with the mass-market package holiday and some agency chains seemed to develop a 'holiday supermarket' concept, in which customers choose their holiday from brochures on racks and then book it from a counter. Again, a variety of social and economic changes have now contrived to bring this aspect to the fore once more, particularly with the advent of multiple, no-frills, low-cost airlines

Several areas of a travel agency’s focus pay commissions to the agency which becomes it’s principal income. These mainly are: car rentals, cruise lines, hotels, railways, sightseeing tours, tour operators, etc. A fixed percentage of the main element of the price, is paid to the agent as a commission. Commissions are not paid on the Tax component of the price.

With regard to Air travel however, commissions are becoming a thing of the past. In the United States, most airlines pay no commission at all to travel agencies. In this case, an agency usually adds a service fee to the net price. Reduced commissions have taken place since 1995, when first commission reductions hit North America: a cap of US$50 on return trips and US$25 on one way. [4] In 1999 European airlines began eliminating or reducing commissions, while Singapore Airlines did so in parts of Asia.[5] In 2002 Delta Air Lines announced a zero commission base for USA and Canada; after a few months United Airlines, American Airlines, Continental Airlines, Northwest Airlines, US Airways and American Trans Air joined Delta.

Types of agencies
There are three different types of agencies in the UK: multiples, miniples and independent agencies. The former comprises a number of national chains, often owned by international conglomerates, like Thomson Holidays, now a subsidiary of TUI AG, the German multinational.[7] It is now quite common for the large mass-market tour companies to purchase a controlling interest in a chain of travel agencies, in order to control the distribution of their product. (This is an example of vertical integration.) The smaller chains are often based in particular regions or districts.

In the United States, there are four different types of agencies: mega, regional, consortium and independent agencies. American Express and the American Automobile Association (AAA) are examples of mega travel agencies.

Independent agencies usually cater to a special or niche market, such as the needs of residents in an upmarket commuter town or suburb or a particular group interested in a similar activity, such as sporting events, like football, golf or tennis.

There are two approaches of travel agencies. One is the traditional, multi-destination, out-bound travel agency, based in the originating location of the traveler and the other is the destination focused, in-bound travel agency, that is based in the destination and delivers an expertise on that location. At present, the former is usually a larger operator like Thomas Cook, while the latter is often a smaller, independent operator.

Airline consolidators and other types of travel consolidators and wholesalers are high volume sales companies that specialize in selling to niche markets. They may or may not offer various types of services, at a single point of access. These can be hotel reservations, flights or car-rentals. Sometimes the services are combined into vacation packages, that include transfers to the location and lodging.

These companies do not usually sell directly to the public, but act as wholesalers to retail travel agencies. Commonly, the sole purpose of consolidators is to sell to ethnic niches in the travel industry. Usually no consolidator offers everything; they may only have contracted rates to specific destinations. Today, there are no domestic consolidators, with some exceptions for business class contracts.

الموضوع الأصلي: what is travel agency ,story travel agencies || الكاتب: tourism || المصدر: ملتقي السياحين العرب